Sunday, September 4, 2016

 Though it looks harmless and running away as you hiss it, can  a house lizard prove to be fatal? Have you ever seen anybody bitten by a house lizard?
Ya ! A house lizard can bite you if you put pressure on it with your body parts. If bitten,  its teethes are often left into your body flesh - because as per biological studies (This happens because the teethes are not fixed deep in the jaws but put in the cavities over jaws having fluffy  and fluidly erection roots). Thereafter, an intense burning pain is experienced for the next 24 hours or less.
      It can prove to be fatal if consumed orally. So, it is necessary to keep the food and edibles in kitchens as covered with pot lids or else. Incidents of casualties due to lizard consumption are some times also reported on media and newspapers as well. Also a wall crawling lizard is not actually as innocuous as it seems. Like a crow it can also differentiate among the human beings as they being adult or children - and some aggressive house lizard even try to bite the children by running down  the wall and thus making them to run away in a frightened way. This what this blogger has seen and experienced in his own entity in his childhood.
      House lizards becomes active and aggressive in behavior to bite in their mating season, usually start of summer season So, whenever you see a couple of two lizard in the mating season try to avoid hiss these, otherwise it is probable that these will rush towards you down the wall with open jaws. Also never ask to minors to go to a room where the lizards presence is dominant on the walls, cupboards. almairas etc
      Lizards are cold blooded reptiles i-e these can't change their body temperature as per requirement. That is why these remain dormant in winter season. So, you should take care while seeking any gadget in shelves and cupboards -- they might hide themselves in warm and cozy places. 

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